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Activate music

Angelo Tartaglia
1999, Il Capitello publisher
Master student course

Photos published to illustrate some physical phenomena

Fisica 2000 - Le forze apparenti

The apparent forces
(Vol 1, chap. VI)
Fisica 2000 - L'attrito

The friction
(Vol 1, chap. VIII)
Fisica 2000 - Elasticità e onde

Waves and elasticity
(Vol 2, chap. XIII)

Fisica 2000 - Interferenza e diffrazione

Waves interference
and diffraction
(Vol 2, chap. XIV)
Fisica 2000 - Interferenza e diffrazione

Waves interference
and diffraction

(Vol 2, chap. XIV)
Fisica 2000 - La luce

The light
(Vol 2, chap. XVI)
Fisica 2000 - L'ottica geometrica

The geometrica optics
(Vol 2, chap. XVII)
Fisica 2000 - L'ottica geometrica

The geometrica optics
(Vol 2, chap. XVII)
  Fisica 2000 - L'ottica geometrica

The geometrica optics
(Vol 2, chap. XVII)
Fisica 2000 - L'ottica fisica

The physical optics
(Vol 2, chap. XVIII)

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Activate music

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He authorizes the use of the photographs for any non commercial purposes,
provided reference is made to.

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