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![Fisica 2000 - Le forze apparenti](../foto/fis1s.jpg)
The apparent forces (Vol 1, chap. VI) |
![Fisica 2000 - L'attrito](../foto/fis2s.jpg)
The friction (Vol 1, chap. VIII) |
![Fisica 2000 - Elasticità e onde](../foto/fis3s.jpg)
Waves and elasticity (Vol 2, chap. XIII) |
![Fisica 2000 - Interferenza e diffrazione](../foto/fis4s.jpg)
Waves interference and diffraction (Vol 2, chap. XIV) |
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![Fisica 2000 - Interferenza e diffrazione](../foto/fis5s.jpg)
Waves interference and diffraction (Vol 2, chap. XIV) |
![Fisica 2000 - La luce](../foto/fis6s.jpg)
The light (Vol 2, chap. XVI) |
![Fisica 2000 - L'ottica geometrica](../foto/fis7s.jpg)
The geometrica optics (Vol 2, chap. XVII) |
![Fisica 2000 - L'ottica geometrica](../foto/fis8s.jpg)
The geometrica optics (Vol 2, chap. XVII) |
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![Fisica 2000 - L'ottica geometrica](../foto/fis9s.jpg)
The geometrica optics (Vol 2, chap. XVII) |
![Fisica 2000 - L'ottica fisica](../foto/fis10s.jpg)
The physical optics (Vol 2, chap. XVIII) |
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