In this gallery we present images that partiallly or totally cover the horizon. (click on the photos... to enlarge the image).
In realizing and presenting them, the aim is double:
- First of all the desire of giving people who normally don't climb mountains an idea about the emotions you can feel in front of wonderful panoramas that appear to our eyes if we climb mountains in a particulary privileged position.
- Than, the hope to arouse to the observer the curiosity to know better a place, to know the name of the mountains that maybe we see every day on the horizon of our cities and... why not... to arouse the desire to visit these places.
- At last this way to look at the environment around us has been related to many others different subjects, including towns too.
We realize these images with a lot of photos, sequences made with different points of view according to the places and the distances: the aim is to observe the subject in order to catch every detail and observing at the same time the idea of the whole place, of the big space in which we are and to try to create the sense of infinity inside of us.
The beauty of these images depends on the moment we choose to take them, on the season, on the limpidity of the day, on the wind, on the height in which we find the snow that can create a big variety of colours and put in evidence in different ways the levels created by peaks, hills, valleys.